Showing 51 - 60 of 129 results

Russian information operations outside of the Western information environment

Resource - August 28, 2024 - The Kremlin has furthered a narrative of itself as an anti-imperialist power and a benevolent diplomatic partner through information influence operations in the Middle East and North Africa, using both…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Egypt, English, Kenya, Mali, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence, Propaganda, Religion, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, South Africa, Sputnik, United Arab Emirates

Russia and Disinformation: The Case of Ukraine

Resource - February 28, 2022 - An analysis of reporting and social media activity on the annexation of Crimea and the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 indicated that Russian disinformation targeting Ukraine is piecemeal and…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Center for Research and Evidence on Security Threats, Crimea, Disinformation, English, Europe, Facebook, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Twitter, Ukraine, Vkontakte

From East with Love: Dissecting Pro-China Bias in Czech and Slovak Alternative Media

Resource - April 22, 2024 - ‘Research found confluence of Sino-Russian narratives in alternative media in Slovakia and Czechia, particularly regarding Hong Kong and Taiwan. The articles localized issues to domestic audiences and amplified Chinese and…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, China, Czechia, Disinformation, English, Europe, Hong Kong, Journalism, MapInfluenCE, Media, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Uyghurs, Xinhua, Xinjiang

Russia Is Pouring Millions Into Kremlin Propaganda Targeting the U.S.

Resource - February 25, 2022 - Russian authorities countered the United States’ crackdown on media content sponsored by foreign agents with its own laws that, while similar in terminology, were far more expansive and implemented in…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, Disinformation, English, Journalism, Media and Information, News Article, North America, Open Secrets, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Sputnik, United States

The UK Company Spreading Russian Fake News to Millions

Resource - January 19, 2024 - Russia exploited British corporate registry laws to register an Arabic-language propaganda company in the UK. In reality, the site, which republishes content from RT Arabic and Sputnik, has been operated…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, BBC, Disinformation, English, Europe, Facebook, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, News Article, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Syria, United Kingdom

Firming Up Democracy’s Soft Underbelly: Authoritarian Influence and Media Vulnerability

Resource - January 14, 2022 - Leading authoritarian regimes have exploited democratic norms and transformed the market for information into a dangerous tool to exert antidemocratic sharp power. An effective response to authoritarian media influence requires…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, Censorship, CGTN, China, English, Foreign Investment, Global, Journalism, Media and Information, National Endowment for Democracy, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, TikTok, WeChat, Xinhua

Russian Digital Media and Information Ecosystem in Turkey

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Turkey’s information ecosystem was so plagued with disinformation that campaigns traced to Russia were drowned out by domestic voices. Even so, a positive view of Russia was well-embedded within existing…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, Disinformation, Elections, English, Facebook, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Turkey, Twitter, WhatsApp

Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influence

Resource - January 14, 2022 - Russia and China invest resources in the media, think tank, cultural, and university sectors through overt programmatic support and less transparent means. An assessment of their antidemocratic techniques in four…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Argentina, Authoritarian State Media, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Broadcasting, Censorship, CGTN, China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, Culture and Entertainment, English, Exchange, Foreign Investment, Global, Infrastructure, Journalism, Knowledge Generation, Media and Information, National Endowment for Democracy, People-to-People Diplomacy, Peru, Poland, Propaganda, Report, Research Institutions, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Slovakia, Social Media, Think Tanks, Training, Universities, Xinhua

Beyond Hybrid War: How China Exploits Social Media to Sway American Opinion

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Beijing has employed a plethora of state-run media to exploit the openness of American democratic society in an effort to insert an intentionally distorted and biased narrative portraying a utopian…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, CGTN, China, Disinformation, Elections, English, Great Firewall, Journalism, Media and Information, North America, Recorded Future, Report, RT (Russia Today), Social Media, Surveillance, United States, Xinhua

Western Balkans at the Crossroads: External Influence in Media and Elections

Resource - January 14, 2022 - In multinational democracies, the ethnic segmentation of the media space is a source of instability, internal tensions, and weakening of internal cohesion. Authoritarian regimes like Russia and China exploit these…

Terms: 16+1 Initiative, Authoritarian State Media, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Broadcasting, China, Disinformation, Elections, English, Europe, Journalism, Kosovo, Media and Information, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Prague Security Studies Institute, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Serbia, Social Media, Sputnik