Showing 41 - 50 of 129 results

¿Sepa Más? Russia’s Strategic Communication in Latin America and the Caribbean

Resource - January 14, 2022 - RT en Español and Sputnik Mundo have established a strong presence in the Latin American information space. A detailed examination of programming reveals most content is strategic communications designed to…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, COVID-19, English, Foreign Investment, Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy, Journalism, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Sputnik

How Russia Makes Friends and Influences Audiences in Latin America

Resource - December 11, 2023 - In 2023, Russian state media outlet RT en Español reached more viewers in Latin America than the BBC or CNN. Deals with over 1000 regional TV providers and coordinated efforts…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, Cuba, Digital Front Lines, Disinformation, Dominican Republic, English, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media, Media and Information, Nicaragua, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Venezuela

Global Americans Initiative Monitors Four State-Run Media Services’ Growing Presence in the Region

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Governments and state media outlets exploited multiple platforms to advance their political and geo-strategic agendas. Global Americans monitored Russia’s Sputnik and RT and China’s Xinhua and People’s Daily to understand…

Terms: Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, China, Disinformation, English, Global Americans, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media and Information, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Xinhua

RT en Español Won’t Stay Off YouTube

Resource - November 30, 2023 - YouTube channels connected to Russian state-controlled media outlet RT en Español dodged content restrictions to push Russian propaganda to Spanish-speaking audiences. These proxy channels appeared following the removal of RT…

Terms: Algorithms, Alliance for Securing Democracy, Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, Content Moderation, Disinformation, English, Global, Media and Information, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Technology, YouTube

Товарищи по твитам: становятся ли Россия и Китай партнерами в информационной сфере?

Resource - November 1, 2021 - После выборов 2016 года в США, российские информационные операции привлекали к себе больше внимание на Западе. Много аналитиков видят отголоски российских кампаний троллинга и дезинформации в более напористом, конфронтационном поведении…

Terms: Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, Bots, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, CGTN, China, COVID-19, Disinformation, Elections, Facebook, Global, Media and Information, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Twitter, Xinhua, Русский

TikTok’s Russia Challenge: Kremlin-Funded Media Reaches Millions on the App

Resource - November 30, 2023 - TikTok failed to accurately label accounts tied to the Russian government as state-controlled media, despite pressure from the United States and Ukraine. In the absence of strong mechanisms to label…

Terms: 2022 Ukraine Invasion, Algorithms, Alliance for Securing Democracy, Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, Content Moderation, Disinformation, English, Global, Media and Information, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Technology, TikTok

Как российская дезинформация влияет на общественность

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Кремль использует дезинформацию за поляризации немецкого общества, разжигания конфликтов, и прямой поддержки выгодных для себя политиков. Россия использует свои государственные СМИ в целях охвата зарубежных аудиторий, и постоянно создает новые…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Disinformation, Elections, Europe, Facebook, Germany, Journalism, Media and Information, News Article, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Twitter, Vox, YouTube, Русский

Rosatom, Russia’s Nuclear Agency, and its Information Strategy to Win Bids in Latin America

Resource - August 23, 2023 - As Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, ramped up investment in Latin America, leaders signed agreements to strengthen their “digital communications strategies” and Russia-positive content has begun to appear in local media.…

Terms: Analysis, Bolivia, Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística, Commerce, Disinformation, English, Español, Exchange, Foreign Investment, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media, Media and Information, Nicaragua, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Students, Universities

Китай скопировал технологии российской «фабрики троллей» — и впервые начал кампанию по дезинформации в твиттере и фейсбуке

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Twitter раскрыл скоординированную информационную кампанию, направленную на «подрыв легитимности» протестного движения в Гонконге. Используя западные медиаплатформы для сеяния дезинформации, китайские власти подражали стратегию давно характерную для Кремля.

Terms: Asia-Pacific, Authoritarian State Media, Bots, China, China, Disinformation, Facebook, Hong Kong, Media and Information, Meduza, News Article, Platforms, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Social Media, Sputnik, Twitter, Русский

A Year of Disinformation: Russia and China’s Influence Campaigns During the War in Ukraine

Resource - July 21, 2023 - Russia and China collaborated on propaganda and disinformation related to the war in Ukraine. While their efforts have not been successful in the West, the two authoritarian powers have found…

Terms: 2022 Ukraine Invasion, Alliance for Securing Democracy, Authoritarian State Media, China, China Daily, Disinformation, English, Global, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Sputnik