Showing 21 - 30 of 50 results

China’s COVID-19 Diplomacy in the Pacific

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Beijing undertook multiple COVID-19 diplomacy activities in the Pacific to project a positive image about its pandemic response: foreign aid in the form of grants and donated medical supplies, shared…

Terms: Analysis, Asia-Pacific, Australian National University Department of Pacific Affairs, China, Commerce, COVID-19, English, Mask Diplomacy, Media and Information, Vaccines

The Fight for Africa: The New Focus of the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry

Resource - November 28, 2021 - Saudi Arabia and Iran have competed to win the loyalty of African countries by offering financial incentives, strengthening diplomatic ties, and taking advantage of regional sectarian tensions.

Terms: Algeria, Analysis, Commerce, Corruption, Djibouti, English, Eritrea, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Iran, Malawi, Middle East and North Africa, Middle East Institute, Nigeria, Party-to-Party Exchanges, Religion, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan

Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China: How China’s Censorship and Influence Affects Films Worldwide

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Beijing’s regulation of film imports ensures that foreign movies screened in China align with the CCP’s preferred narratives. American entertainment companies seeking access to China’s rapidly growing film market have…

Terms: Censorship, China, Culture and Entertainment, English, Film and Television, Hollywood, North America, Report, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, United States

Authoritarian Shadows in the European Union: Influence of Authoritarian Third Countries on EU Institutions

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Authoritarians have made inroads within European Union institutions by applying pressure on member states and winning support from fringe coalitions. Nevertheless, the European Parliament is relatively resistant to authoritarian pressure…

Terms: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, English, Europe, European Union (EU), Foreign Investment, International Organizations, Knowledge Generation, Party-to-Party Exchanges, Political Capital Institute, Report, Russia

Authoritarian States: Blocking Civil Society Participation in the United Nations

Resource - November 1, 2021 - A coalition of authoritarian states routinely blocked non-governmental organizations from gaining consultative status in the United Nations, challenging civil society’s ability to access the international body and raising concerns that…

Terms: China, Civil Society, English, Global, International Organizations, Knowledge Generation, Report, Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law, United Nations (UN)

Russia and Iran: Economic Influence in Syria

Resource - November 1, 2021 - To maintain its interests in Syria, Russia aimed to institutionalize its influence by reinforcing the state’s capacity to exercise its full sovereign functions. Iran, on the other hand, sought to…

Terms: Chatham House, Commerce, English, Foreign Investment, Iran, Middle East and North Africa, Report, Russia, State-Owned Enterprises, Syria, Trade

Chinese Malign Influence and the Corrosion of Democracy

Resource - November 19, 2021 - China’s preference for opaque, corrupt economic deals leaves countries beholden to Chinese creditors. Beijing’s manipulation of the information space neutralizes institutions such as independent media and civil society that would…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Australia, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Broadcasting, Burma, Cambodia, Censorship, China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, Corruption, Diaspora, Ecuador, English, Foreign Investment, Global, Great Firewall, Hungary, Infrastructure, International Organizations, International Republican Institute, Internet Freedom, Knowledge Generation, Maldives, Media and Information, Mongolia, Pakistan, Propaganda, Report, Research Institutions, Scholarships, Serbia, Sri Lanka, StarTimes, State-Owned Enterprises, Students, Surveillance, Technology, The Gambia, Think Tanks, Zambia

Who is in Charge of the Post Cold War World: Chinese Influence Operations in Academia, Media, & CSOs – The Case of Georgia

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Beijing’s influence operations in Georgia target media outlets, civil society, academia, and the telecommunications sector. The growing and unbalanced power of the PRC is a threat to Georgian national security…

Terms: 5G, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Censorship, China, Civic IDEA, Confucius Institutes, Disinformation, English, Eurasia, Foreign Investment, Georgia, Huawei, Internet Freedom, Knowledge Generation, Media and Information, Report, Social Media, Surveillance, Technology, Telecommunications, TikTok, Universities

Iran’s Authoritarian Playbook: The Tactics, Doctrine, and Objectives Behind Iran’s Influence Operations

Resource - November 17, 2021 - Tehran built a sprawling web of traditional media outlets and social media accounts that reach millions of users abroad. The objectives of its information manipulation efforts include dividing democratic nations…

Terms: Alliance for Securing Democracy, Authoritarian State Media, Commerce, Corruption, Diaspora, Disinformation, Elections, English, Foreign Investment, Global, Iran, Media and Information, Report, Sanctions, Social Media

Foreign Influence Operations in the EU

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Authoritarian state actors struggle to project soft power while engaging in disruptive or destructive behaviour. Instead, some state actors see a means of reaching their goals by making democratic actors,…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, Crimea, Culture and Entertainment, Disinformation, English, Europe, European Parliamentary Research Service, European Union (EU), Foreign Investment, International Organizations, Knowledge Generation, Media and Information, Propaganda, Religion, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Sputnik, Think Tanks, Universities