Showing 11 - 20 of 50 results

The Rise and Fall of Sputnik V: How the Kremlin Used the Coronavirus Vaccine as a Tool of Information Warfare

Resource - November 17, 2021 - Sputnik V was used by the Kremlin as a tool of information warfare and as a product with which the Putin regime sought to increase geopolitical influence and gain financial…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Commerce, COVID-19, Disinformation, English, Global, Institute of Modern Russia, Propaganda, Report, Russia, Social Media, Vaccines

How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment

Resource - March 6, 2024 - The PRC has sought to shape the global information landscape in its favor through information manipulation, intimidation, co-opting journalists and enabling digital authoritarianism with cutting-edge technology.

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, China, Disinformation, English, Global, Government Report, Media and Information, Social Media, Surveillance, Technology, Technology, U.S. Department of State

The Chinese Communist Party’s Campaign on University Campuses

Resource - January 25, 2024 - The People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s influence activities at American universities, part of an agenda to project Chinese power globally and undermine liberal democratic norms, range from seemingly benign activities…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Censorship, China, Confucius Institutes, English, Exchange, Hudson Institute, Knowledge Generation, North America, Report, Students, United Front Work Department (UFWD), United States, Universities

Russia and Venezuela: Allies in Disinformation

Resource - December 11, 2023 - Russia has pushed its preferred narratives to Latin America through Venezuelan state-backed media outlets, namely TeleSur. Other states in the region have shown interest in cooperation with authoritarian state media…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Bolivia, Broadcasting, Cuba, Disinformation, English, EsPaja, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media, Media and Information, Nicaragua, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Venezuela

Iran’s Information Warfare

Resource - November 15, 2023 - Information warfare has played a key role in Iranian foreign policy, alongside military and diplomatic efforts. Though largely ineffective, Iran has attempted to shape public opinion in the US and…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Bots, Disinformation, English, Global, Iran, Israel, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, North America, Propaganda, Report, Social Media, Technology, Technology, The Institute for National Security Studies, Twitter, United States

China’s Media Propaganda in Africa: A Strategic Assessment

Resource - July 28, 2023 - Beijing used its extensive media apparatus to create positive perceptions of the CCP in Africa while negating support for democracy. Chinese efforts are built on strong partnerships between Chinese state…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, CCTV, China, Disinformation, Djibouti, English, Ethiopia, Foreign Investment, Ghana, Huawei, Journalism, Kenya, Media and Information, Namibia, Propaganda, Report, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, United States Institute of Peace, Xinhua, ZTE

The Kremlin’s Influence Quarterly: Serbia Special Issue

Resource - July 27, 2023 - While much of Europe pivoted away from Russia in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, Serbia cemented its already close relationship with Moscow. Russian media, propaganda, and energy all…

Terms: 2022 Ukraine Invasion, Authoritarian State Media, Disinformation, English, Europe, Free Russia Foundation, Infrastructure, Journalism, Media, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, Russia, Serbia, Sputnik, Twitter

Exporting Digital Authoritarianism: The Russian and Chinese Models

Resource - June 8, 2023 - Russia and China are increasingly leveraging the internet and information technology to oppress opposition at home and undermine democracies abroad. While they employ different tactics, both nations have developed technology-driven…

Terms: Brookings Institution, Censorship, China, Disinformation, English, Global, Great Firewall, Internet Freedom, Media and Information, Report, Russia, Surveillance, Xinjiang

Managing Sentiments in the Western Periphery: Chinese Information Operations in the Kyrgyz Republic

Resource - March 2, 2023 - A two-year study found that China has taken advantage of Kyrgyzstan’s free information space to promote CCP narratives. The PRC inserts content in local media, promotes the inclusion of PRC-state…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, China, Disinformation, English, Eurasia, Facebook, Kyrgyzstan, Media, Media and Information, OSCE, Report, Social Media, Twitter, Xinhua

Descendants of the Dragon: China Targets Its Citizens and Descendants Beyond the Mainland

Resource - July 20, 2022 - Beijing dedicates significant resources toward convincing its diaspora of the PRC’s soft power, including through digital influence campaigns on social media. The end goal is to promote a positive image…

Terms: Asia-Pacific, Atlantic Council, Authoritarian State Media, China, COVID-19, Diaspora, Disinformation, English, Facebook, Falun Gong, Global, Malaysia, Media and Information, North America, Propaganda, Report, Social Media, Twitter, United States, WeChat, Weibo