Showing 11 - 20 of 24 results

Is There Really an Epidemic of Self-Censorship Among China Scholars?

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Foreign researchers face restrictions on access to China itself, restriction on access to materials once they’re in China doing research, and monitoring and surveillance of that research by authorities in…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Censorship, China, Disinformation, English, Global, Knowledge Generation, Podcast, SupChina, Universities

Political Training Under the Belt and Road Initiative: A Look into the Chinese Communist Party’s First Party School in Africa

Resource - October 31, 2022 - Through Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere Leadership School, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allows foreign political parties to learn from its experience in governance and development while cultivating foreign partnerships that will…

Terms: Analysis, Angola, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Censorship, China, English, Exchange, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Knowledge Generation, Mozambique, Namibia, Party-to-Party Exchanges, People-to-People Diplomacy, Propaganda, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania, Training, Zimbabwe

Why U.S. Giants Keep Caving to China

Resource - August 24, 2022 - Global businesses and nonprofits learned that taking a stand for democratic values could cause massive revenue losses in the Chinese market, as the PRC government increasingly used its economic weight…

Terms: Amazon, Apple, Axios, Censorship, China, Commerce, COVID-19, English, Hong Kong, Human Rights, LinkedIn, Marriott, News Article, North America, Olympics, Taiwan, Tibet, United States, Uyghurs, Xinjiang

China and the Digital Information Stack in the Global South

Resource - July 20, 2022 - To counter digital authoritarianism, civil society must learn how the PRC party-state uses its influence to shape, influence, control, surveil, and suppress information that is contrary to the PRC and…

Terms: 5G, Alibaba, Alliance for Securing Democracy, Asia-Pacific, Authoritarian State Media, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Burma, ByteDance, Censorship, China, Commerce, Content Moderation, Data Privacy, Diaspora, Digital Silk Road, Disinformation, English, Firewall, Foreign Investment, Hong Kong, Huawei, Infrastructure, International Organizations, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Internet of Things (IoT), Jamaica, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media and Information, Nigeria, Report, Smart Cities, Social Media, State-Owned Enterprises, Sub-Saharan Africa, Surveillance, Technology, Telecommunications, Tencent, Thailand, TikTok, Uganda, United Nations (UN), WeChat, ZTE

Foreign Influence in Elections 2022 and 2024: What Should We Prepare For?

Resource - February 25, 2022 - Lessons learned from monitoring malign influence efforts in the 2016, 2018, and 2020 U.S. election cycles reveal focus areas for future research: audio and video manipulation, Beijing’s financial investments, internet…

Terms: Analysis, Bots, China, Disinformation, Elections, English, Facebook, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Great Firewall, Internet Freedom, Iran, Media and Information, North America, Platforms, Propaganda, Russia, Social Media, Twitter, United States

Why African Students are Ditching the US for China

Resource - November 1, 2021 - The number of African students who studied in China grew 26-fold in less than fifteen years. As African students learned in China, the exchange served to cultivate a cohort of…

Terms: China, CNN, Confucius Institutes, English, Exchange, Knowledge Generation, News Article, Students, Sub-Saharan Africa, Universities, Visas

Authoritarian States are Using COVID Vaccines to Subvert Democracy

Resource - January 14, 2022 - Vaccine diplomacy from authoritarian governments was marred by efforts to spread outright disinformation about Western vaccines, prioritize being first over being trustworthy, target political elite networks for early access, and…

Terms: Brazil, China, Commerce, Corruption, COVID-19, Disinformation, English, Global, Guyana, Malaysia, News Article, Nikkei Asia, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Taiwan, Uganda, Vaccines, Venezuela

A Power Plant Fiasco Highlights China’s Growing Clout in Central Asia

Resource - November 1, 2021 - A Kyrgyz Parliament commission found widespread irregularities in the award of a power plant reconstruction contract to a Chinese company with minimal experience. The company was chosen through a closed-door…

Terms: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, Corruption, English, Eurasia, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Kyrgyzstan, New York Times, News Article

Nepal School Make Mandarin Compulsory After China Offers to Pay Teachers’ Salaries

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Schools across Nepal required students to learn Mandarin in exchange for the PRC government covering the salaries of teachers who teach the language, overlooking guidelines from the Curriculum Development Centre…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Asia-Pacific, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, English, Knowledge Generation, Nepal, News Article, Times of India

The Publishing Empire Helping China Silence Dissent in Hong Kong

Resource - November 1, 2021 - The PRC’s Liaison Office in Hong Kong enabled the Chinese government to disseminate pro-CCP material through publishing houses, bookstores, and online news. With the passage of Hong Kong’s national security…

Terms: Asia-Pacific, Bloomberg, Censorship, China, China, Disinformation, English, Great Firewall, Hong Kong, Internet Freedom, Journalism, Media and Information, News Article, Propaganda, Publishing, Surveillance