Showing 1 - 10 of 24 results

Where Latin American Can Learn from Australia in Dealing with China

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Beijing wants Latin American countries to join its Belt and Road Initiative and adopt its nuclear and 5G policies, with profound political implications. The region can learn from other mid-sized…

Terms: 5G, Analysis, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, English, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Latin America and the Caribbean, The Interpreter

China Moves to Suspend Some History Tests for U.S. College Credit by 2020

Resource - November 1, 2021 - The PRC suspended Advanced Placement history exams run by an American non-profit for students seeking college credit at Western universities. Officials at testing centers in the PRC agreed to uphold…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Censorship, China, English, Exchange, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Reuters, United States, Universities

China’s National-Security Law Reaches Into Harvard, Princeton Classrooms

Resource - November 1, 2021 - As universities pivoted to online learning, academics faced the challenge of teaching students living under authoritarian regimes. Some classes added a warning label to potentially sensitive materials, and schools weighed…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Censorship, China, English, Great Firewall, Internet Freedom, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Surveillance, United States, Universities, Wall Street Journal

Chinese Propaganda has No Place on Campus

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Confucius Institutes established to provide Mandarin language classes on foreign university campuses were criticized for straying into the realm of ideological politics. The Institutes’ learning materials distorted PRC history by…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Censorship, China, Confucius Institutes, English, Foreign Policy, Global, Knowledge Generation, News Article, Universities

Montenegro Learns True Cost of China-Backed $1 Bn Road to Nowhere

Resource - November 1, 2021 - The government of Montenegro burned through $944 million to construct only a portion of a PRC-financed highway infrastructure project that was initially deemed unviable. Critics observed that such “debt-trap diplomacy”…

Terms: AFP, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, Corruption, English, Europe, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Montenegro, News Article

Opinion: Another University Learns the Hard Way about Chinese Censorship on Campus

Resource - July 20, 2022 - George Washington University censored criticism of the Chinese government by removing art posters highlighting Beijing’s human rights abuses during the first week of the Winter Olympics at the behest of…

Terms: Censorship, China, COVID-19, English, Hong Kong, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Olympics, Tibet, United States, Universities, Uyghurs, Washington Post, Xinjiang

How China Learned to Harness Israel’s Media and Booming Tech Scene

Resource - February 25, 2022 - Chinese actors employed three basic approaches in the pursuit of technological innovation and greater political influence in Israel: direct messaging in local Hebrew-language newspapers, the use of Chinese outlets, and…

Terms: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Authoritarian State Media, Broadcasting, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, English, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Israel, Journalism, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, Report, Technology

What ‘Established’ African Media Houses Can Learn from the Chinese

Resource - November 1, 2021 - African media representatives that participated in a PRC-sponsored exchange program were introduced to digital tools used by Chinese media institutes.

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, China, Daily Nation, English, Exchange, Journalism, Media and Information, News Article, Sub-Saharan Africa

The Misuse of Social Media Platforms and Other Communication Channels by Authoritarian Regimes: Lessons Learned

Resource - July 27, 2023 - Iran, China, and Russia have all utilized social media and other internet-based platforms to spread disinformation in their respective regions. The manipulated content from these authoritarian actors has met little…

Terms: Analysis, Asia-Pacific, China, Disinformation, Elections, English, Europe, European Parliament Think Tank, Facebook, Georgia, Internet Freedom, Iran, Media, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, Russia, Social Media, Syria, Taiwan, Twitter, Yemen

A Power Plant Fiasco Highlights China’s Growing Clout in Central Asia

Resource - November 1, 2021 - A Kyrgyz Parliament commission found widespread irregularities in the award of a power plant reconstruction contract to a Chinese company with minimal experience. The company was chosen through a closed-door…

Terms: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, Corruption, English, Eurasia, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Kyrgyzstan, New York Times, News Article