Showing 81 - 90 of 129 results

How is Russia Covering the Crisis in Ukraine?

Resource - February 28, 2022 - Narratives pushed by Russian officials and state media following Moscow’s troop buildup near Ukraine included: Ukraine and the West were planning a false flag operation; Ukraine was an extremist, puppet…

Terms: Alliance for Securing Democracy, Analysis, Authoritarian State Media, English, Europe, Media and Information, Propaganda, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Ukraine

Russian Influence Campaigns in Latin America

Resource - August 28, 2024 - Since 2013, Russia has sought to undermine U.S. influence in Latin America through strategic investments and an elaborate information ecosystem, involving local institutions, media, and civil society. Persistent anti-U.S. and…

Terms: Argentina, Authoritarian State Media, Bolivia, Brazil, Broadcasting, Chile, Colombia, Commerce, Costa Rica, Cuba, Disinformation, Ecuador, English, Exchange, Foreign Investment, Knowledge Generation, Latin America and the Caribbean, Media and Information, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Propaganda, Report, Research Institutions, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Think Tanks, Trade, United States Institute of Peace, Venezuela

Russia and Disinformation: The Case of Ukraine

Resource - February 28, 2022 - An analysis of reporting and social media activity on the annexation of Crimea and the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 indicated that Russian disinformation targeting Ukraine is piecemeal and…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Center for Research and Evidence on Security Threats, Crimea, Disinformation, English, Europe, Facebook, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, Twitter, Ukraine, Vkontakte

Russian information operations outside of the Western information environment

Resource - August 28, 2024 - The Kremlin has furthered a narrative of itself as an anti-imperialist power and a benevolent diplomatic partner through information influence operations in the Middle East and North Africa, using both…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Egypt, English, Kenya, Mali, Media and Information, Middle East and North Africa, NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence, Propaganda, Religion, Report, RT (Russia Today), Russia, Social Media, South Africa, Sputnik, United Arab Emirates


The Sharp Power Research Portal is a resource hub for journalists, researchers, activists, policymakers, and others interested in understanding how authoritarian powers influence societies and institutions beyond their borders. Through…

China’s Sticks and Carrots in Central Europe: The Logic and Power of Chinese Influence

Resource - January 31, 2022 - China has used a targeted mix of “carrots” and “sticks” to increase its influence in Central European countries, while relying on varying local political climates, existing geopolitical standing, and level…

Terms: 16+1 Initiative, Academic Freedom, Authoritarian State Media, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, COVID-19, Culture and Entertainment, Czechia, Diaspora, English, Europe, Exchange, Football/Soccer, Foreign Investment, Friendship Associations, Huawei, Hungary, Infrastructure, Journalism, Knowledge Generation, MapInfluenCE, Mask Diplomacy, Media and Information, Party-to-Party Exchanges, People-to-People Diplomacy, Poland, Propaganda, Report, Research Institutions, Slovakia, Sports, State-Owned Enterprises, Students, Taiwan, Technology, Telecommunications, Think Tanks, Tibet, Training, Universities, Visas, Xinhua, ZTE

China’s Inroads into Slovak Universities

Resource - January 3, 2022 - Over the years, Slovak academic institutions—public universities and institutes of the Slovak Academy of Science—have established 113 different ties and interactions with Chinese partners, which, due to the authoritarian nature…

Terms: 16+1 Initiative, Academic Freedom, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Censorship, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, China, Confucius Institutes, English, Europe, Exchange, Huawei, Human Rights, Knowledge Generation, People-to-People Diplomacy, Propaganda, Report, Research Institutions, Scholarships, Slovakia, State-Owned Enterprises, Students, Universities, ZTE

The Hong Kong National Security Law and UK Academic Freedom

Resource - November 28, 2021 - Among the UK-based academics interviewed for a report on the effect of the worsening political environment in the PRC for teaching and research, a majority expressed concern about the prospect…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Alibaba, British Association for Chinese Studies, Censorship, China, Confucius Institutes, COVID-19, English, Europe, Great Firewall, Hong Kong, Internet Freedom, Knowledge Generation, Report, Research Institutions, Students, Surveillance, United Kingdom, Universities

LinkedIn to Shut Down Service in China, Citing ‘Challenging’ Environment

Resource - November 28, 2021 - LinkedIn announced it would shut down its professional networking in China, citing “a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements.” The Microsoft-owned service previously censored posts in China…

Terms: Asia-Pacific, Censorship, China, China, Data Privacy, English, Facebook, Google, Great Firewall, Internet Freedom, LinkedIn, New York Times, News Article, North America, Social Media, Technology, Twitter, United States

Fronts & Friends: An Investigation Into Two Twitter Networks Linked to Russian Actors

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Twitter’s takedown of two networks linked to Russian state actors reinforced earlier findings about the centrality of fake media fronts and quasi-think tank properties to Russian information operations. The networks…

Terms: Authoritarian State Media, Disinformation, English, Facebook, Global, Media and Information, Platforms, Report, Russia, Social Media, Stanford Internet Observatory, Twitter