Showing 101 - 110 of 129 results

A Mezze: Saudi Arabia’s New Anime Journey

Resource - July 17, 2023 - Saudi state-owned enterprises are investing in new Japanese-style anime due to the popularity of the genre among Saudis and Arabs across the Middle East. The investments raise questions of the…

Terms: Center for Strategic and International Studies, Content Moderation, Culture and Entertainment, English, Film and Television, Foreign Investment, Middle East and North Africa, Podcast, Saudi Arabia

It’s Official: China’s E-Commerce King is a Communist

Resource - November 1, 2021 - Jack Ma, creator of e-commerce giant Alibaba, was identified as a Communist Party member. Party members are required to put party interests above all else—raising the question of what would…

Terms: Alibaba, Asia-Pacific, Censorship, China, China, Commerce, English, News Article, State-Owned Enterprises, Technology, Wall Street Journal

How the Kremlin has Weaponized the Facebook Files

Resource - March 17, 2023 - While the Facebook Files have shed light on the debate surrounding responsible and effective governance of social media, the Kremlin has propagandized this testimony to undermine a democratic internet and…

Terms: Brookings Institution, Disinformation, English, Facebook, Global, Internet Freedom, Media and Information, Propaganda, Report, Russia

The Geopolitics of Video Games

Resource - December 19, 2022 - China’s increasing interest in video games brings lots of cash but threatens artistic freedom. In September 2021, China’s gaming industry association announced that its members would boycott “politically harmful” content,…

Terms: Censorship, China, Culture and Entertainment, English, Europe, Foreign Policy, Global, International Organizations, News Article, Sweden, Tencent, United Kingdom, Video Games

Power or Influence? Making Sense of China’s Evolving Party-to-Party Diplomacy in Africa

Resource - December 19, 2022 - Beijing’s investments in trainings for senior cadres from African countries allow for three symbiotic objectives to be realized: diffusing a Chinese-style development and governance model, expansion of a professional network,…

Terms: Academic Article, African Studies Quarterly, Authoritarian State Media, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Censorship, China, English, Exchange, Knowledge Generation, Party-to-Party Exchanges, People-to-People Diplomacy, Sub-Saharan Africa, Training, United Front Work Department (UFWD), Xinhua

The Costs of International Advocacy: China’s Interference in United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms

Resource - October 31, 2022 - China has worked consistently and aggressively to silence criticism of its human rights record before UN bodies and has taken actions to weaken some of the central mechanisms available in…

Terms: China, Civil Society, English, Global, Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, International Organizations, Knowledge Generation, Report, United Nations (UN)

Russia’s Digital Battleground: Polish Society

Resource - July 20, 2022 - Immediately after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Polish online space was riddled with disinformation about fuel shortages, refugees, and Ukrainian statehood, among other themes. Disseminators of fake news adapted to…

Terms: 2022 Ukraine Invasion, Analysis, COVID-19, Disinformation, English, Europe, Media and Information, Poland, Propaganda, Russia, Social Media, Ukraine, Visegrad Insight

The Evolution of Panama-PRC Relations Since Recognition, and their Strategic Implications for the U.S. and the Region

Resource - November 1, 2021 - PRC-based firms won a series of questionable concessions in Panama’s logistics, electricity, and construction sectors, bolstering the PRC’s image as a dominant player in key sectors of the economy and…

Terms: Analysis, China, Commerce, English, Foreign Investment, Global Americans, Huawei, Infrastructure, Latin America and the Caribbean, Panama, Party-to-Party Exchanges, Surveillance, ZTE

Defeated Conservative MP Fears Attacks By Pro-Beijing Forces Swung Votes Against Him

Resource - February 25, 2022 - Conservative MP Kenny Chiu was criticized in Chinese-language media after proposing to set up a registry for agents of foreign governments in Canada. His later defeat raised the question of…

Terms: 5G, Canada, China, Disinformation, Elections, English, Huawei, Knowledge Generation, National Post, News Article, North America, Social Media, Telecommunications, WeChat

Chinese Censorship Is Going Global

Resource - February 25, 2022 - China’s efforts to impose censorship, of hard and soft varieties, beyond its own borders have affected diverse sectors from Hollywood to higher education. Many of the encroachments have implicated private…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Apple, Basketball, Censorship, China, Commerce, Confucius Institutes, Culture and Entertainment, Data Privacy, English, Facebook, Film and Television, Foreign Policy, Global, Google, Hollywood, Hong Kong, Human Rights, Journalism, Knowledge Generation, LinkedIn, Media and Information, NBA, News Article, Publishing, Research Institutions, Social Media, Sports, Surveillance, Technology, Tencent, Tiananmen Square, Tibet, Universities, Visas, Xinjiang