Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Elite U.S. School MIT Cut Ties with Chinese Tech Firms Huawei, ZTE

Resource - November 1, 2021 - MIT severed ties with Chinese telecommunications firms Huawei and ZTE as U.S. authorities investigated the companies for alleged sanctions violations.

Terms: China, English, Huawei, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Reuters, United States, Universities, ZTE

Despite Criticism and Complaints, MIT Won’t Cut Ties to Saudi Arabia

Resource - November 1, 2021 - MIT declined to sever financial and research ties to Saudi Arabia over the brutal killing of a journalist, despite the urging of faculty and students, and complaints by some of…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Boston Globe, English, Human Rights, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Saudi Arabia, United States, Universities

Digital Repression Across Borders is on the Rise

Resource - July 17, 2023 - Arab dissidents living abroad in Canada were targeted by spyware attacks designed to constrain their ability to criticize human rights violations back home in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern…

Terms: Analysis, Canada, Diaspora, English, Human Rights, MIT Technology Review, North America, Saudi Arabia, Surveillance, Technology

The World is Moving Closer to a New Cold War Fought with Authoritarian Tech

Resource - March 2, 2023 - China is not only exporting its surveillance technology, but its tactics as well. Widespread surveillance and internet controls have become more common in authoritarian states around the world, often due…

Terms: Censorship, China, English, Global, Internet Freedom, MIT Technology Review, Report, Russia, Smart Cities, Social Media, Surveillance, Technology, ZTE

U.S. Universities Reconsider Research Links With Chinese AI Company

Resource - November 1, 2021 - MIT, Rutgers University, and other U.S. research institutions reevaluated their academic partnerships with PRC state-owned information technology company iFlytek following public criticism of the company’s role in the surveillance and…

Terms: China, English, Financial Times, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Technology, United States, Universities, Uyghurs, Xinjiang

Risky Partner: Top U.S. Universities Took Funds From Chinese Firm Tied to Xinjiang Security

Resource - November 1, 2021 - The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at least one other university signed research agreements with PRC artificial intelligence firm iFlytek, which supplied surveillance technologies to China’s security services in the…

Terms: Academic Freedom, Artificial Intelligence (AI), China, English, Huawei, Human Rights, Knowledge Generation, News Article, North America, Reuters, Surveillance, Telecommunications, United States, Universities, Uyghurs, Xinjiang