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Authoritarian powers are adapting repressive techniques for the digital era and exerting greater influence abroad to weaken democratic institutions, undermine the integrity of the information space, and compromise the exchange of ideas.

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The Sharp Power Research Portal catalogues research and reporting on authoritarian sharp power in five sectors: media and information; commerce; culture and entertainment; knowledge generation; and technology.
Explore the interactive map to see how 5 authoritarian powers—China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—are exerting influence in 143 countries around the world.


resources describing the tactics and effects of sharp power

Media and Information

Authoritarian influencers leverage propaganda, disinformation, censorship, and sway over content delivery systems to undercut the integrity of the information space.


Opaque financial flows from authoritarian influencers undermine the rule of law and democratic governance in recipient countries.

Culture and Entertainment

Authoritarian-induced censorship permeates the art, film, television, professional sports, and video game industries in democratic settings.

Knowledge Generation

Universities, think tanks, publishing houses, and other research institutions are targets of authoritarian influencers seeking to compromise the exchange of ideas.

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Authoritarian influencers take advantage of emerging technologies and the globally connected digital environment to extend their reach into open societies.

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Source: Jerusalem Post

Publication Date: September 29, 2023

Sweden Accuses Iran of Targeted ‘Misinformation’ about Quran Burnings

Authoritarian Country: Iran, Russia

Affected Region: Europe, Sweden

Author: Seth J. Frantzman

View Resource: Sweden Accuses Iran of Targeted ‘Misinformation’ about Quran Burnings

Iran and Russia-backed disinformation campaigns have used recent Quran burnings to manipulate sentiments in Sweden. Fearing the effects of these malign efforts, the Swedish government has tasked its Agency for Psychological Defense with countering these campaigns.

Source: U.S. Department of State

Publication Date: September 28, 2023

How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment

Authoritarian Country: China

Affected Region: Global

View Resource: How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment

The PRC has sought to shape the global information landscape in its favor through information manipulation, intimidation, co-opting journalists and enabling digital authoritarianism with cutting-edge technology.

Source: Center for European Policy Analysis

Publication Date: September 26, 2023

Moldova’s President Calls Out Russian Meddling

Authoritarian Country: Russia

Affected Region: Europe, Moldova

Author: Ahshish Kumar Sen

View Resource: Moldova’s President Calls Out Russian Meddling

Moldova has sought support of the EU and international community to safeguard its democratic processes against Russian subversion. Russian tactics include election interference, disinformation, and economic blackmail.

Source: Foreign Policy Research Institute

Publication Date: September 19, 2023

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Politics Over Economics

Authoritarian Country: China

Affected Region: Global

Author: Felix K. Chang

View Resource: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Politics Over Economics

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been expected to enter a new phase following the PRC’s Third BRI Forum in October 2023. With over 150 countries participating in the BRI, China’s plans for its signature initiative have appeared increasingly political and less focused on infrastructure development.

Source: Power 3.0

Publication Date: September 12, 2023

Taiwan on the Frontline of China’s Information Operations

Authoritarian Country: China

Affected Region: Asia-Pacific, Taiwan

Author: Ko Shu-Ling

View Resource: Taiwan on the Frontline of China’s Information Operations

Within Taiwan, PRC-backed media outlets have discredited pro-independence perspectives and increased polarization through disinformation. Beijing has relied on its state agencies, Taiwanese provincial governments, commercial media, and social media to amplify these information manipulation operations.

Source: Middle East Institute

Publication Date: September 3, 2023

Iran Gleefully Eyes the Protests in Israel, Looking for Weaknesses to Exploit

Authoritarian Country: Iran

Affected Region: Middle East and North Africa, Israel

Author: Jason M. Brodsky

View Resource: Iran Gleefully Eyes the Protests in Israel, Looking for Weaknesses to Exploit

In addition to violent intervention through proxy militia groups, Iran has used cyber interference to exacerbate political rifts in Israeli society and advance Iranian interests. Iran-backed disinformation campaigns have misled high-level officials and target Israelis across the political spectrum.

Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience Report Series

A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Open Societies
A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Open Societies
A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Open Societies

Christopher Walker and Jessica Ludwig describe the crucial role of civil society in fostering democratic resilience.

Deals in the Dark: Russian Corrosive Capital in Latin America
Deals in the Dark: Russian Corrosive Capital in Latin America
Deals in the Dark: Russian Corrosive Capital in Latin America

Ruslan Stefanov and Martin Vladimirov analyze Russian strategic corruption efforts in Argentina and Bolivia.

China’s Global Media Footprint: Democratic Responses to Expanding Authoritarian Influence
China’s Global Media Footprint: Democratic Responses to Expanding Authoritarian Influence
China’s Global Media Footprint: Democratic Responses to Expanding Authoritarian Influence

Sarah Cook assesses the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) sharp power efforts to shape media content around the world.

Commanding Ideas: Think Tanks as Platforms for Authoritarian Influence
Commanding Ideas: Think Tanks as Platforms for Authoritarian Influence
Commanding Ideas: Think Tanks as Platforms for Authoritarian Influence

Nadège Rolland describes the ways in which authoritarian countries seek to use think tanks as instruments of sharp power.

Phone Cloud
Double-Edged Sword: China’s Sharp Power Exploitation of Emerging Technologies
Double-Edged Sword: China’s Sharp Power Exploitation of Emerging Technologies
Double-Edged Sword: China’s Sharp Power Exploitation of Emerging Technologies

Samantha Hoffman describes how the People’s Republic of China leverages emerging technologies to undercut democracies’ stability and legitimacy while expanding its own influence.